The book is written for you, my dear Jewish brothers and sisters! You do not need to be a Rabbi to benefit from the book.
I have met many rabbis over the years, all had good intentions, but good intentions are not enough. Look around and see what is happening to Jews all around you. They are walking away from our family. Do we want to keep them? Do we care? We can do more, and it does not involve anyone paying any money to anyone.
Once you read the book, and if you agree with my perspective, if you think any of the rabbis or others in leadership roles in Jewish organizations that you know would benefit from reading this book, ship them a copy - anonymously if you like. If you think those same people need to hear the message, again and again, recommend the book to others in your community and suggest they do the same. We need to hold our rabbis accountable for doing more for the Jewish people.